
TEJAS VIDYA PEETHA: Institute of Mission-oriented and Contextual Theology, Kengery, Bangalore

TEJAS =Theological Education for Joyful and Affirmative Service. (TEJAS)
Established in the year 2005 for imparting Mission oriented and contextual Theological formation. This was a long cherished dream coming true for Fransalians as discussions on a separate Theology Program began as early as late 80’s. Fr. Mathew Kozhuppakalam, was appointed the first Rector. So far 4 batches have completed their bachelor degree and formation from Tejas. Tejas provides opportunities to the students of theology for a Fransalian, religious, spiritual and academic formation with an attitude of openness to be transformed by the Spirit of the Lord and the religio-cultural and socio-economic life-situation of the people.

Mission/ Ministry (Activities)
The formation in Tejas has following characteristics, besides regular academic program, library hours, spiritual direction etc.

  • Cultural Immersion Programme (CIP),
  • Ashram Experience,
  • One Semester in other faculties or Seminaries,
  • Participatory Formation
  • Regular Pastoral Ministry in various parishes
  • Value Education Programmes in the Minor Seminaries and Educational Institutions
  • Earn and live Programme like Candle Making, Tuitions, Rosary Making etc.
  • Journal of Indian Theology
  • Inter-religious Dialogue
  • Involvement through various forums such as Marga Tejas, Dharma Tejas, Neethi Tejas, Vidya Tejas, for enhancing the experience of learning theology into transformative.
  • Tejas becomes a centre for training, orientation and formation for pioneering missionary endeavours in South India.
  • It develops a Centre for Mission Language and Culture for the future missionaries of the South-West province
  • It develops a Mission Preaching Training centre where brothers in formation can have an already experience and taste of what Parish Missions are according to the mind of the Founder
  • More theological formation in context, especially linking theological formation with the missionary challenges we face in our new Missions of Shimoga, Gulbarga and other future missions.
  • More focus on formation in Salesian Spirituality – adequate knowledge of our Founder and Patron and their spirituality.
  • Presence of a specialized Faculty in the campus to guide and orient Theological Formation with Social Justice and involvement in Social Action.

For more details visit: www.tejasvidyapeetha.org